So anyway. The site is on again. You are probably covering your mouth with your hands, trying to stiffle a yawn right now. I cant say I blame you much. I didn't really redesign the site so much as I did rehash the old one. And apart from some empty faq's and a well intentioned Perth Music section you can't really tell the difference between this and the old site. Give me some time. I'm trying.
At anyrate this is what the site looks like now. It still looks like ass but slightly less so then before. I'm so over trying any more. So dont complain for a while ok? Give it a few months before you remind me that I still havent scrapped the "satay on blue" color scheme.
God its my first day back on the job and already i feel like going on long service leave.
Todays band is

The new
Beulah album is called
Yoko. Beulah are big fans of
the Beatles. Which wouldn't be worth mentioning except to say that this is not the first time that these boys have released a disk that makes some reference to the Beatles. The 1997 Beulah album,
Handsome Western States had a song on it called "I love John, She Loves Paul". I mention this little bit of trivia just for the Beatles trainspotters that might be reading. I wouldn't mention it at all except for the fact that I can't think of much to say about this album.
The new album from Beulah is good. Not good in the same way as 2002's
Hotel Yankee Foxtrot. Beulah aren't quite as experimental as
Wilco. There isn't so much of the crazy instrumental feedback loopage at the end of each song. Beulah's Miles Kurosky doesnt delve into the crazy progressive stuff in the way Wilco were inclined to do on their 2002 classic. Beulah are trying to do something less subversive then Wilco. Everything here is good. It's just not as good as Wilco would have done it. Where Hotel Yankee Foxtrot grabs you by the heart strings and lets you know it won't be forgotten, Yoko merely says "Hi im here. Im kinda a cool album but you have to listen to me 6 friggen times untill that becomes apparent."
None the less i'm still drawn to make the comparison between Beulah and Wilco.
Comparing any album to Hotel Yankee Foxtrot is a complement to that album. But that wont make this my second favorite album of 2003.
Beulah - Me and Jesus Don't Talk Anymore 192kbps, 6.7mb
Beulah - Fooled With The Wrong Guy 192kbps, 6mb
Beulah - My Side Of The City 192kbps, 4.8mb
The Mp3s I include here are all from the 2003 Beulah album, Yoko.