In general, a white guy with dreads makes me laugh. Adam Chaki is a white guy with dreads who makes great music. Unfortunately, he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.
Chaki was one of the players in Bran Van 3000 (who, due to their label closing shop, are also in danger of falling off that edge) and broke into the scene on his own with No One Knows Where The Hell We Are.
When asked to describe his music, Chaki states: "Just think of the people who have Elton John in their collections as much as the people who have Tom Waits," he says. "And then try to make something they would both like."
This is pop music, but it's pop music from a man who knows what art is all about. He's infused elements of African, Middle Eastern and Jamaican music into his grandiose style.
Is anyone digging the music i've been putting up here? There's a convenient little "comments" link at the bottom of each post to let me know if i'm rad, or if i suck.
Adam Chaki - October 192kbps, 5.8mb
Adam Chaki - Sonofabitch 192 kbps, 7.0mb
Adam Chaki - Poets 192 kbps, 4.0mb
Bran Van 3000 - Astounded 192 kbps, 8.2mb
Bran Van 3000 - Rainshine 192 kbps, 4.8mb