Oh, are we doing 'reviews' now? I don't know. I don't think I like that. It seems kind of stupid. We're supposed to be all 'hey, this is new music that you haven't heard before.' And we're supposed to be 'here's a sample so you can make up your mind.' Its that second thing, those damned illegal mp3s that's (is) the rub. Not that illegality thing, but that we're taking an each way bet. We're saying that we're all for the dissemination of new(ish) music, but we're hosting 'xamples, not albums. That's what IRC is for, right?
Am I talking about myself? We're pointing in directions, right? Entry points and primers to wider work, is that what's going on? Am I saying you're kind of stupid; that you might not get this? That you should try thinking like
this when you look the rest of this up? It's pop music. It's not rocket science. Who am I to say that?
are doing some narrowing of ideas, though. We're doing it so you can pick up albums and bands and shit in the right frame of mind. Like, there's this whole world of music that you're too stupid and sheltered to dig - but its cool, look over here. What do you think about this? No, you're looking at its ass. Its face is over here.
Am I right? Am I making sense?
Anyway, whatever. Do you remember when you first nabbed
Interpol's 'Turn On The Bright Lights' and you were like, 'pssh, what's all the fuss about?'. You were all: 'Yeah, its alright, there's nothing particularly
wrong here, in fact, its kinda nice. Untitled is obviously the best track. But its all too easy, its not like they could fuck up playing four notes and going for atmosphere, I could do that. I read books.'
Yeah, and do you remember when you went to see
Elephant, and you were all, 'Gus Van Sant is a pretentious asshole, I read those interviews with him in
FilmComment, what's with casting kids with $120 haircuts to keep shit real? Oooh, they're so pretty, but some of them aren't, you're so fucking real, Van Sant, you asshole.' And its not like you could fuck up a movie about Columbine-in-all-but-name, its like filming about the holocaust, who's going to give you shit because it'd be like they're fucking slagging off Jews or some shit? But then you saw Elephant, and although Van Sant was still a pretentious asshole (I mean, anyone could do that shit. Fuck.), its actually really well done, how he structures it -- in what order the kids come in ... all of the $120 'art' kids and the nerds so nerdy they don't actually exist ... because there's something interesting about cognition and how you organise what's happening in your mind under all that. He's still an asshole, but you've got to hand it to him ...
And do you remember how, when you got over the fact that Interpol weren't really trying, and that its seriously, like four notes in most of those songs, 'Bright Lights' was still one of the CDs that you almost always had in your bag when you caught the bus to school/whatever? Do you remember how, when you stop being pissed off that they're not doing anything and still raking in all that credit, you actually liked that sound, no matter what it was about them that pissed you off? Yeah, well, its like that.
Think about it. What if they were to bring out more of the same shit, but a bit different? To whit: 'Screw this Joy Division shit, lets rip the Pixies.'
AN UPDATE FROM THE EDITOR: The Mp3's that were here have been removed.
We received an email from Matador Records (Patrick Amory no less) and since we don't want to go to jail and subsequently eternal hell (where all internet Pirates go to) we deleted the mp3s we had uploaded. If your interested I will post a copy of the email in the comments.
We also ask everone who downloaded these mp3s, to delete them from their hard drive.
That Pixies shit was regarding 'Evil,' by the way.
Interpol's 'Antics' comes out on September 27th, but because you're on the internet, you'll know what to listen for when it does.
And something to play at your wedding party:
Squarepusher - Love Will Tear Us Apart 4.2mb