I promised myself that I'd never write stupid gushing rants, and yet...
Sonic Youth are coming to Canberra!
I've had to change my pants four times since I found out today.
I don't care if the can hardly call themselves 'Youth' anymore without a (*Key members actually 40+) fine-print disclaimer. I don't care that all of their best albums were released over ten years ago (OK, OK, Pitchfork gave
Murray Street a 9.0, lets not split hairs). And I couldn't care less that I won't be able to eat for two weeks if I'm to buy tickets to the show. I'm going to see Kim and Thurston live!
Here's some mp3's:
Sonic Youth - Cotton Crown 7.1mb
Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot 6.4mb
Sonic Youth - Tunic (Song For Karen) 5.8mb
Tracks are from
Sister (1987),
Daydream Nation (1989) and
Goo (1990), respectively. Listen carefully over the noise of whining from posers complaining about their 'accessible' material and think about this: if they're coming here, then they're coming to your shitty backwater town, too. Pack clean underwear and check your local street press.