Random Post! Yes!!
The Cars - Just What I Needed 8.6mb
TV on the radio.
TV on the radio are a . It's electro-ish, with guitar playing that's all downstrokes. (As in: so are old U2, The Walkmen and Interpol). It's not electroish. It's art-school lyrics. It's cooler than art-school lyrics. It's 'cross the street. From your. Storefront Cemetary. Two of dudes are black. Is that going to be a problem?
No, seriously. Word has it that they're compared to Talking Heads and Peter Gabriel a lot. My only contact with Talking Heads has been their repeated mention in
Less Than Zero. I've been meaning to get around to that. Should I even be writing about this? They're good. Nifty even. And you can chalk up this 'review' to my having independently discovered the tenants of Expressionism.
It's, like, childlike horror.
TV On The Radio - The Wrong Way 6.5mb
TV On The Radio - Staring At The Sun 6.5mb
TV On The Radio - Bomb Yourself 7.8mb
Fuckers have a new LP out:
Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes.
old interview